Saturday, August 1, 2009

Like Father Like Son

They say that the newborn walking reflex disappears by 6 weeks......but Grayden's is still going strong. Apparently Nate was walking at 8 months old, so I guess Nate really is the father.

He would do this all day if I had the energy.


Melissa Brown said...

That is seriously too funny and adorable! He will for sure be an early walker :) Then you will never sit down.

Our EyreLife said...

He's adorable! And hearing you as a mama is adorable, too!

Wyatt was walking in his 9th month...My mom kept saying, "Don't push it. Just let it come on its own" but he WANTED to be held up like that all the time and soon enough...he was walking.

I say let the baby walk. :) He's so dang cute! Congrats!

Crawford's Corner's said...

You are going to have your hands full! I can just see you know chasing him down the hallway of the church house! Too Cute!